Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How do you use the PHP Explode function?

This post describes some examples run on a Windows 10's Internet Information Services. This is relevant for PHP 4 and PHP 5.

First directly from documentation:
array explode ( string $delimiter , string $string [, int $limit ] )

Returns an array of strings, each of which is a substring of string formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by the string delimiter.

Parameters ¶


The boundary string.


The input string.


If limit is set and positive, the returned array will contain a maximum of limit elements with the last element containing the rest of string.

If the limit parameter is negative, all components except the last -limit are returned.

If the limit parameter is zero, then this is treated as 1.

Here is an example PHP file (a text file saved with the extension php) in the root directory (wwwroot) of Inetpub on a computer running Windows 10.

Explode Function

$str="A thing of beauty, is a joy for ever!";
print_r(explode(" ",$str));

At first the file should not be saved to wwwroot with extension txt, it must be php

In the SaveAs window it can he saved as ANSI, Unicode, UTF-8 or Unicode Big Endian - you have to choose the correct one.

In the first position of the explode() function you need to choose the delimiter which can be, space, comma, etc and then the $str variable is to be set.

Here are some examples with parsed content. If there is no response as in some examples here, a FALSE is returned. Also if a delimiter is not present, the whole string is returned.

Parsing a string in Japanese

Friday, October 23, 2015

How do you fix the WLDCORE.dll error in Windows 10?

I upgraded my Windows 7 (x64) Ultimate on Toshiba Laptop (Satellite S70 Series) to Windows 10 without using an ISO.

I installed Mail and Movie Maker (1, 2) couple of months ago and at that time I did not install all the programs in Windows Essentials.

The missing DLL error

When I tried to access the Windows Live Mail app in all Apps as shown here,

I would immediately get a missing DLL Error.


I would also get this error if I try to click on an email link on Microsoft Edge to send the mail.

I looked for this file on the computer as well as in the registry. I could not find the file. It appears to me that if you do not install all the programs in Windows Essentials then you would not have this dll in your computer although Windows Essentials 2012 is on your computer.

The programs in Windows Essentials2012 are:


I did find Windows Essentials on my computer (Control Panel | Programs and Features | Programs) .


Hence I decided to repair the program by opting to Change rather than Uninstall.
Here are some repair shots:

This fixed the problem and I could start Windows Live Mail without any problems. The wldcore.dll was found in Program Files(x86.
Windows Live Mail has a neat user interface and I may stop using gmail.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

How do I find the Java Control Panel in Windows 10?

Java is a key program which is widely used and you invariably need Java on your computer. Microsoft Windows is another equally important operating system and with Windows 10 and the new Microsoft browser, Microsoft Edge, one of course need to know about how Java works on Windows 10.

Finding Java Control Panel
Go to Control Panel | Programs
You will find Java

Click on Java. Java Control Panel opens as shown.


This is how it is registered in the Windows Registry.


This advice is from Java web site.
From Windows Search, type in Java. In the search results, select Configure Java. The Java Control Panel will appear.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Is there telnet client/server in Windows 10?

Presently Telnet Server is not implemented on Windows 10. Telnet Client is installed but not enabled. Most probably it is deprecated as was done for the latest server.
Telnet server deprecated use remote desktop
TELecommunication NETwork protocol is an unsecured (username/password is in text, not encrypted) network protocol and its use will be prejudicial to security on local networks as well as Internet.
It was still available in Windows 7. Follow these threads (1, 2) for Installing
Telnet Client and Telent Server on Windows 7.

Telnet client is installed but not enabled on Windows 10 and you need to
enable it. You can go this directory to access telnet.exe on Windows 10.
C:\Windows\System32\telnet.exe. Presently it is used to connect to remote servers

Enabling the client on Windows 10:

Here are screen shot(s) to enable Telnet Client on Windows 10 and test it.

This is how your Windows Features accessible from Control Panel |
Programs | Programs and Features | Turn Windows Features On or Off
appears when telnet client is enabled. When not its not enabled there is no check mark:


Place check-mark for Telnet Client (if not checked) and click OK.

You can now test the client as shown using command line:
You get the following response:
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Client
Escape Character is 'CTRL+]'
Microsoft Telnet>

You get the help now using the following command:
Microsoft Telnet>help /?
The response will be:
Commands may be abbreviated. Supported commands are:

c    - close                    close current connection
d    - display                  display operating parameters
o    - open hostname [port]     connect to hostname (default port 23).
q    - quit                     exit telnet
set  - set                      set options (type 'set ?' for a list)
sen  - send                     send strings to server
st   - status                   print status information
u    - unset                    unset options (type 'unset ?' for a

?/h  - help                     print help information

Friday, October 16, 2015

Can you install JDK on Windows 10?

Yes you can.
For java based program a compatible version of JDK is required. For example, in order to run SQL Developer Tool you need Java SDK8.

You can get it from here:

You choose the OS version, herein Windows x32bit. It does not say explicitly that it is for Windows 10. Sometimes I see extensive references to Windows XP and Windows Vista.

This JDK is installed on a Windows 10 on a 32bit Acer Laptop recetly upgraded from Windows 7(x32) Ultimate.
The downloaded file is: 

Double click to install.
Here are some screenshots of the installation:

JDK for different OSs here.

 Double click on  jdk-8u60-windows-i586.exe  starts the wizard.

You need to choose. All were selected.

 Choose if you want to change install directory. Here default was chosen.

 Installation progress.

Monday, October 12, 2015

What is Universal Windows Platform?

You will be hearing about this more and more as Windows 10 devices start appearing in increasing numbers that may reach billions.

Before Windows 10, the OS was Windows 8.1 and there were two devices
that were targeted by code:
  • Windows
  • Windows Phone
Developers created Universal Windows 8 apps using a shared codebase. For
this the Windows Runtime (WinRT), an evolution of the Windows app model
was introduced as a common application architecture.

With Windows 10 that has changed. Now there are a number of devices for
which you need to code has increased. Hence Universal Windows Platform
(UWP) was born.

WinRT gets evolved to be integrated with Windows 10 Core. This core
provides a common platform for every device that runs Window 10. UWP now
calls WinRT common for all the devices PLUS also APIs(Win32 and .NET)
that are specific to the device family the app runs on. Thus UWP
provides a guaranteed core API layer for all devices.

What it means is that your can be deployed to the device type you are
using. All devices use the same runtime but have their own unique API determined by the device type. The code access for those unique APIs specific to the device are conditional.

Note: Images are from Microsoft Site.

What are the different sensors embedded in the Microsoft Band - 2

The new Microsoft Band has a very comprehensive set of sensors in addition to a Haptic vibration motor.

Here is a listing from Microsoft site;
  • Optical heart rate sensor
    • Heart rate is monitored optically looking at the fluctuations in the capillaries situated in the back of the clasp. A green light is seen when active.
  • 3-axis accelerometer/gyro
    • Motion Detection
  • Gyrometer
    • Motion Detection
  • GPS
    • Location changes monitored, distances measured, route changes monitored
  • Ambient light sensor
    • Adjusts display clarity with changes in ambient light
  • Skin temperature sensor
  • UV sensor
    • Click UV tile to find current UV level
  • Capacitive sensor
  • Galvanic skin response(GSR)
    • Measures skin conductivity (between two points) with one point under the clasp and another under the face of the band. Band knows whether it is being worn so as to adjust activities.
  • Microphone
    • You can speak to Cortana. The microphone is next to left side of touch screen. Click and hold action button to speak.
  • Barometer
    • Detects elevation changes while running up/down hill, cycling or mountain climbing.
What is Haptic?
It is also known as Tactile or touch sensitivity. You feel a vibration if some attention is needed, for example. In the case of Microsoft Band it can alert you to messages and such. If it bothers you, it can be turned-off from Settings (DoNotDisturb setting).

Microsoft Band Video:

Saturday, October 10, 2015

What is U-SQL?

While SQL covered the RDBMS landscape U-SQL covers a much larger data landscape.

At the same time as the announcement of Azure Data Lake Services, a new language under development at Microsoft, the U-SQL language was also announced. For the Azure Data Lake Service and what it means to business read here.

With the advent of Big Data and the task of mining all kinds of data, RDBMS suddenly found itself at a disadvantage. Structured Query Language (SQL) could only address what is in a relational data store. U-SQL was born to address this challenge posed by Big Data defined by volume, velocity and variety.

What is U-SQL
U-SQL deep dives into Big Data to extract the most relevant information. It is a powerful language (in the words of Microsoft):
  • Process any type of data. From analyzing BotNet attack patterns from security logs to extracting features from images and videos for machine learning, the language needs to enable you to work on any data.
  • Use custom code easily to express your complex, often proprietary business algorithms. The example scenarios above may all require custom processing that is often not easily expressed in standard query languages, ranging from user defined functions, to custom input and output formats.
  • Scale efficiently to any size of data without you focusing on scale-out topologies, plumbing code, or limitations of a specific distributed infrastructure.
Compared to HIVE, a SQL-Based language, U-SQL is flexible and does not have the limited capability to address the 'variety' in non-structured data requiring schema generation prior to running queries. U-SQL should prove more easy to use than Hive for complex scenarios.

U-SQL has been designed as declarative SQL based language with native extensibility through user code in C#. This approach:
  • Unifies SQL and C#
  • Unifies structured and Unstructured
  • Unifies declarative and custom code
U-SQL is based on SCOPE which is based on  existing prior languages, ANSI-SQL, T-SQL and HIVE. U-SQL should present a less steeper curve for those who are using SQL already.

U-SQL is an important development that developer need to jump on.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What is Azure Data Lake?

Recently announced Azure Data Lake addresses the big data  3V challenges; volume, velocity and variety. It is one more storage feature in addition to blobs and SQL Azure database. Azure Data Lake (should have been Azure Data Ocean IMHO) is really omnipotent. Just look at the key capabilities of Azure Data Lake:

Any Data
Native format, distributed data store. No need to pre-define schema information. From unstructured to structured data handling.

Any Size
Kilo bytes to Exa bytes OK. Ready for read/write.

At any scale
Scale to match your needs; high volume data handling of small writes and low latency. Can Aaddress near real-time web analytics scenarios.

HDFS Compatible
Works out-of-the box with Hadoop including services such as HD Insight

Full integration with Azure Active Directory
Supporting identity and access management over all of the data.

Azure Data Lake Store  is therefore a hyper-scale HDFS repositiory designed specifically for big data analytics in the cloud. It is order made for IoT and thorughput-intensive analytics for high volume data.

Read more here.
The graphic is from a  Microsoft Technet site
I checked out the preview portal (https://portal.azure.com/), I do not see it. Possible by the end of the year.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

How do you access data using ODBC data connectivity in R?

R language is well suited for statistics and graphics. R is also good at handling data, perhaps not in large-scale. In order to connect to an ODBC source, it needs an ODBC connector which is found in a library called RODBC.

When you install a number of packages are available out of the box shown here:

Installed Packages.png

However you may not find the RODBC in the list. You need to install this library.
You can find RODBC library download here for WIndows.

You will be downloading a zip file named RODBC_1.3-12.zip

You can download it to a location of your choice but move this file to the( library folder) in the folder created by the R installation.

The zip file from the download location(desktop) was moved to the folder C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.2\library.



Now if you bring up the installed packages from R-GUI you will see RODBC as shown.


Now you are ready to use the RODBC library in working with R.
In the RGUI(64-bit) just type library (RODBC) at the prompt as shown. You get another prompt but nothing else.
> library(RODBC)
For help with RODBC you can type the following at R prompt:
This will open up the help file in HTML at : as shown:


Now you can use this help file to explore RODBC further.

There are two groups of functions in RODBC, The internet odbc* commands implement low-level access to ODBC functions and the sql* functions operate at a higher level to read, save, copy etc. You can connect to hosts or DSNs.

Happy data hunting!

Monday, October 5, 2015

How do you import data in an Excel spreadsheet into R?

MS Excel is an excellent data cruncher which also has statistics related tools to process data in the sheets. R language has package can do staitstical processing of data. Once the data is processed it can be exported so as to create reports. This import and export can be frustrating in some cases taking more time than the statistical processing. R language is language of choice for statistical processing but for not for large scale data.

The easiest type of data that can be imported is the data on a text file. Text file based data is for small and medium amount of data.
I will describe three methods of importing data from a Excel spreadsheet.

First method:
Let us take an example of data on a Excel spreadsheet as shown here:


Save it as text file as shown in a previous post.

Launch R and in the prompt type as shown:
Enter the location of your .CSV file as shown and clilc Enter

You get an error:
Error: '\U' used without hex digits in character string starting ""C:\U"

We need to change the slash character as shown. Click Enter
Now you get the second error which shows all the needed attributes for calling reading a text file:
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,  :
  line 2 did not have 3 elements

Just like Read.table(), Scan() is another function. In fact Read.table() calls Scan() to do the job. The sep in the list refers to what kind of a separator was used. In the .CSV file it is a comma.

Modify the statement to indicate that the separator is a comma and click enter.
Now the result is displayed. Row numbers and Column heading are added.

Use sep = " "  spaces or newlines
Use sep ="\t" for tab

Second method:
Open the Excel file shown at the top and copy the column heading and the data as shown:

The contents are now in the "Clipboard".

Now in R enter the code as shown. After the error modify the separator (tab instead of comma)
> mydat <-read .table="" br="" file="clipboard" sep=",">> mydat
1 First Name\tLast Name\tAGE\tRent
2         Chris \tLanger\t40\t2500
3          Jean\tSimmons\t80\t1200
4          Tom \tHiggins\t35\t4000
> mydat <-read .table="" br="" file="clipboard" sep="\t">> mydat
          V1        V2  V3   V4
1 First Name Last Name AGE Rent
2     Chris     Langer  40 2500
3       Jean   Simmons  80 1200
4       Tom    Higgins  35 4000

Third method:

You can also use a statement like the following to display the contents of a .CSV file:
> read.csv("C:/Users/mysorian/Desktop/R_Related/names.csv")
  First.Name Last.Name AGE Rent
1     Chris     Langer  40 2500
2       Jean   Simmons  80 1200
3       Tom    Higgins  35 4000

Saturday, October 3, 2015

How do you find what packages are installed when you install R?

It is very easy to find.

1. Launch R

2. Click Packages as shown. Click Load Packages and this code is run.

> local({pkg <- all.available="TRUE)),graphics=TRUE)<br" packages="" select.list="" sort="">+ if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)})

After a while the list of available packages appear and you can choose the one you want.

4. If click, say Matrix and click OK, the matrix related package gets loaded, you get just the R prompt and nothing else.

How to remove Ask.com from your computer?

This site is OK  is  OK but it hijacks other search engines and tries to show up first. It also seems to make search slow. I am sure it came from several other downloads I make often.

By following steps I have managed to get rid of it for now:
  • Removed all publisher references to ASK.com in Programs and Features


Cleaned up the Managed Extensions in IE 11 Search Provider's list (Ask does not show up anymore).
In Internet Explorer's Manage Add-ons look for anything related to Ask.com. You may not be able to delete it but you can disable.

FoxPDF Creator Toolbar for example brought in ASK.com. I disabled it, although FoxPDF is an excellent PDF editor.
Make sure ASK is not in Search Providers as well. If it is remove it.


In Internet Options | General page use any site other than ask.com for the Home Page
MSN.com is the default Home Page.


If you find an executable ApnStub.exe on your computer, delete it.
If you find ChromeInstall java program  such as this one remove it.


Well I have my browser not showing ask.com suddenly. I hope it is gone for ever.

Is there a built-in web server for PHP?

Yes there is one which can be used for testing and designing web applications.

Runs in an environment similar to sandbox environment and does not have all features. If you need a full blown web server you can use Windows Internet Information Services (IIS).

You can start the web server with this command:

C:\Users\mysorian>php -S localhost:8083

PHP 5.4.14 Development Server started at Fri Sep 25 11:01:49 2015
Listening on http://localhost:8083
Document root is C:\Users\mysorian
Press Ctrl-C to quit.

The document you are viewing is in the Document root folder.

But if you try to access the localhost on Port 80 you would get this response.
C:\Users\mysorian>php -S localhost:80

[Fri Sep 25 11:01:12 2015] Failed to listen on localhost:80 (reason: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.)