Monday, October 19, 2015

Is there telnet client/server in Windows 10?

Presently Telnet Server is not implemented on Windows 10. Telnet Client is installed but not enabled. Most probably it is deprecated as was done for the latest server.
Telnet server deprecated use remote desktop
TELecommunication NETwork protocol is an unsecured (username/password is in text, not encrypted) network protocol and its use will be prejudicial to security on local networks as well as Internet.
It was still available in Windows 7. Follow these threads (1, 2) for Installing
Telnet Client and Telent Server on Windows 7.

Telnet client is installed but not enabled on Windows 10 and you need to
enable it. You can go this directory to access telnet.exe on Windows 10.
C:\Windows\System32\telnet.exe. Presently it is used to connect to remote servers

Enabling the client on Windows 10:

Here are screen shot(s) to enable Telnet Client on Windows 10 and test it.

This is how your Windows Features accessible from Control Panel |
Programs | Programs and Features | Turn Windows Features On or Off
appears when telnet client is enabled. When not its not enabled there is no check mark:


Place check-mark for Telnet Client (if not checked) and click OK.

You can now test the client as shown using command line:
You get the following response:
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Client
Escape Character is 'CTRL+]'
Microsoft Telnet>

You get the help now using the following command:
Microsoft Telnet>help /?
The response will be:
Commands may be abbreviated. Supported commands are:

c    - close                    close current connection
d    - display                  display operating parameters
o    - open hostname [port]     connect to hostname (default port 23).
q    - quit                     exit telnet
set  - set                      set options (type 'set ?' for a list)
sen  - send                     send strings to server
st   - status                   print status information
u    - unset                    unset options (type 'unset ?' for a

?/h  - help                     print help information

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