Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Oh! Why do I get this blank Microsoft edge browser page?

 Recently my laptop OS got upgraded to the build, 17733.rs5_release.18083-1525. Looks like Microsoft Edge with the following signature:

Microsoft Edge 44.17733.1000.0
Microsoft EdgeHTML 18.17733

has some display related problems.

This is one of the observed problems that some blank browser pages appear that cannot be closed using the context menu or the Close(x) (or ALT+F4) control on the page.

Before this blank page showed up, the OS sort of rebooted all by itself and when the OS was reloaded, this blank page showed up.

Here are some associated screen shots:

Blank page was there in the first place, added another page above.

It appears blank, but it is on a NASDAQ site.

The blank page can be minimized/maximized but cannot be closed.

The other thing I have been noticing is that the Downloads now go to a TEMP location and presently to:
C:\Users\TEMP.XXXXXX\Downloads. There is a control that allows saving it to a different location. I am not sure when this happened. I heard that Microsoft decided to save everything to Cloud, I am not sure if it is true.

Also the Project I create in Visual Studio also gets saved to this 'TEMP.xxxxx' folder. Is this normal?

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