Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How do you use SQL Server Agent in SQL Operations Studio(SQLOPS)?

You must install the July update to SQLOPS (July 2018 Public Preview version 0.31.4)  to access the extensions. You find the SQL Server Agent extension in the extensions MARKET place as shown here.


Troubleshooting SQL Server Agent jobs and configuration is the most important aspects of ths extesion.

Things you can ddo with this extension in SQLOPS:
List SQL Server Agent Jobs configured on a SQL Server
View Job History with job execution results
Basic Job Control to start and stop jobs

You need to install before you use it which can implemented inside SQLOPS.


Installing is as easy as clicking the Install button.


The Agent screen is broken in the right pane above. Perhaps it is not turned on.

I start the agent inside SSMS 17. SQL Server Agent starts and it turns green in the Object explorer.

With this I should be able to see the July 2018 Public Preview version 0.31.4 in SQLOPS. I have tried both SQL Server 2016 and SQL Server 2017. I have seen the SQL Server Agent in some earlier screen shots.

However, off the extension you see a tabbed page as shown.

This extension may not work with SQL Server 2016 Agent.

Here is the same job you would see on SQL Server 2017.

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