Sunday, September 30, 2018

How do you save a single page or, individual pages from a PDF document?

A multi-page PDF document consists of a number of pages and sometimes you may need to save a single page or, a couple of individual pages often non-consecutive, from a PDF document.

How do you save a pages or pages from PDF document?

Here is one way you can do it (as I did) using Windows 10.

Just scroll to the page you want to save in your PDF reader program and when you are on the page click Print.

Choose Microsoft Print to PDF from the choice of Printers.

Click handle on Pages and pick 'Current Page'.

Click Print.

This opens 'Save Print Output As' dialogue. Provide a name for the file and save the page to your folder.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

What's new in SQL Server Documentation?

SQL Server being what it is, the core Microsoft Data Platform, it  has evolved in recent times to embrace non-Windows platforms, LINUX in particular and trending topic such as Machine Learning.

Now we will be looking at SQL Server Techonologies embracing:

Database Engine

Machine Learning Services

Integration Services

Analysis Services

Reporting Services


Data Quality Services

Master Data Services

Want to know more?

Go here:

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

How do you read a SPSS file using R?

SPSS files are created using the SPSS software from IBM. You could read these files using R provided you can install the 'haven' library from one of the CRAN sites.


Install 'haven'
> install.packages("haven")
Warning in install.packages("haven") :
  'lib = "C:/Program Files/Microsoft/R Client/R_SERVER/library"' is not writable
also installing the dependencies ‘assertthat’, ‘lazyeval’, ‘Rcpp’, ‘readr’, ‘hms’, ‘tibble’, ‘BH’

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/zip' length 44884 bytes (43 KB)
downloaded 43 KB

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/zip' length 137793 bytes (134 KB)
downloaded 134 KB

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/zip' length 3265183 bytes (3.1 MB)
downloaded 3.1 MB

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/zip' length 1167814 bytes (1.1 MB)
downloaded 1.1 MB

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/zip' length 20730 bytes (20 KB)
downloaded 20 KB

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/zip' length 614069 bytes (599 KB)
downloaded 599 KB

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/zip' length 15529292 bytes (14.8 MB)
downloaded 14.8 MB

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/zip' length 800532 bytes (781 KB)
downloaded 781 KB

package ‘assertthat’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package ‘lazyeval’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package ‘Rcpp’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package ‘readr’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package ‘hms’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package ‘tibble’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package ‘BH’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package ‘haven’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked

The downloaded binary packages are in

Load the library
> library(haven)
I will try to read a file called 'employees.sav' which I downloaded to my laptop from internet here :


Now I run this statment in R (Microsoft Client R.GUI)


That's all folks!

Is SPSS software free?

You could the free version for 14 days. The free version also has the following Add-ons.

Custom Tables & Advanced Statistics Users
Custom Tables and Advanced Statistics Add-on provides easy to use drag and drop interactive tables exportable to Microsoft/PDF. You can access a variety of additional techniques such as; Non-linear, logistic, 2-stage least squares regression, Generalized linear modeling and survival analysis. Additionally, Bayesian Statistics now available.
Complex Sampling & Testing Users
Complex Sampling and Testing Add-on provides functionality for small sample sizes, missing data , and complex sampling. You can access regression with optimal scaling including lasso and elastic net. Additional features include; categorical principal components analysis, multidimensional scaling and unfolding, and multiple correspondence analysis.
Forecasting & Decision Trees Users
Forecasting and Decision Trees Add-on provides ARIMA and exponential smoothing forecasting capabilities. Classification and decision trees based on four established tree-growing algorithms are also available. You can also create neural network predictive models as well as RFM analysis to test marketing campaigns.

Each of the add-ons costs $79.00

Go to this link and fill out the form for free download:

Sunday, September 23, 2018

What is SPSS?

Data Science is trending. What with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, learning to work with statistical analysis tools will take you far.

Here is an IBM one liner for SPSS:

"Propel research & analysis with a fast and powerful solution"

SPSS is an acronym for Statistical Software for Social Sciences. Its beginnings dates back to 1968 and it was acquired by IBM in 2009. Files created by this software have the extension .sav. SPSS outputs tables and charts that can processed by MS Word, Google Docs, Open Office, etc.

SPSS can be used for editing and analyzing data similar to other software such as R, Excel, Python, etc.

Here is a PR demo from IBM

More SPSS stuff here:

What kind of data can you work with in DisplayR?

From my previous post you can see that you can really get data from the following kinds of sources:
  • Get data by import
    ** SPSS Data Files
    ** SQL Tables
    ** Excel
    ** CSV
    ** Any format that R can handle

SQL tables in SQL Server, SQLite etc are obvious sources of data from relational databases against which you can run SQL Queries.

SQL data is only a small set of data sources which you can use in statistical analysis or author reports.

Here are the various from which you can source your data in DisplayR.

Qulatricss, URL, 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

What is DisplayR?

DisplayR  provides two functionalities in a single app.
* Complete Data Science Platform
* Comprehensive Reporting Platform

You create online dashboards and export to PowerPoint & Excel. Since it is cloud based, you have access from anywhere in any browser.

The workflow in DisplayR is similar to other software of this genre.

  • Get data by import
    ** SPSS Data Files
    ** SQL Tables
    ** Excel
    ** CSV
    ** Any format that R can handle

Explore Data

Analyze with data science
   Point& Click
  • CARTCluster analysis
  • Correlation
  • Correspondence Analysis
  • Linear Discriminant Analysis
  • Max-Diff experimental design
  • Multidimensional Scaling
  • Multinomial logit
  • NBD Regression
  • Ordered Logit
  • Poisson Regression
  • Principal Components Analysis
  • Quasi-Poisson Regression
  • Random Forest
  • Huge range of statistical techniques using R

Report (Data Visualization)

  • Standard chart types
  • Area Chart
  • Word Clouds
  • Donut Chart
  • Labeled Bubbleplot
  • Labeled Scatterplot
  • Palm Trees
  • Pictograph
  • Pictograph Bar Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • CODE
  • Huge range of graphical techniques using R
It does all of the above in one step. Well, Power BI can also do this as R is integrated with it and Power BI is also integrated with reporting services. Report update is a nice feature as you can start with a partial set and finish off after importing the whole set. Future updating can be automatic. More importantly, DisplayR has the  'no need for code' slogan.

Here are some main features:

  • Quality Control and Reproducibility
  • Easy updating and automation
  • Simple to create and manipulate variables
  • Statistical testing based on data type

You can have an app for free (DisplayR Public) that does a few things, but if you need more advanced features you need to buy DisplayR Professional ($2399/Yr) or DisplayR Enterprise(available on request)

Get the free version and more information from here:

Watch this blog for some easy tutorials, comparisons etc.

Monday, September 17, 2018

How do you upgrade PIP?

pip is a package management system used to install and manage software packages written in Python. 

I had ae earlier version and I could upgrade it to the latest version using the command in Python.

From the Scripts directory in Python3.7 run the following command:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

How do you shorten a link reference?

It could happen like it happened to me. You provide a link to your friends in your email and you hear from them saying they could not open.

They may resort to cut and paste the two pieces of what appears to be hyperlinks to get them on a line and save. Many may not go that length and just let you know that they could not open.

The solution is simple by reducing the length of the link. You can do this by pasting your original link (the long one that may get broken) by a short one. This is how you do it.

Go to this URL:

Enter your link (the long one) and click Make TinyURL!. That's it. You can get the shortened url below where you entered your URL. This is free and you are not supposed to misuse it.

Now copy that and send it to you friends.

That's it.

I reduced this link which Safari could not open on iPhones/iPads:

with this one,

 Google also had one of these tools and it has been discontinued for new users.

February 18, 2021 Update:  20 best URL shortners. Go to link in the image.
There are cases that just one is not enough. Power to choose is democratic.

Friday, September 14, 2018

How do you use command line tool (CMD) to check SQL Server Report Servers?

You could use the command rskeymgmt

Here are the things you can find out about Report Servers from command lineusing HELP:
C:\Users\TEMP.HODENTEK9.000>rskeymgmt -?
Microsoft (R) Reporting Services Key Manager
Version 13.0.1601.5 x86

Performs key management operations on a local report server.
  -e  extract           Extracts a key from a report server instance
  -a  apply             Applies a key to a report server instance
  -s  reencrypt         Generates a new key and reencrypts all encrypted
  -d  delete content    Deletes all encrypted content from a report server
  -l  list              Lists the report servers announced in the report server
  -r  installation ID   Remove the key for the specified installation ID
  -j  join              Join a remote instance of report server to the
                        scale-out deployment of the local instance
  -i  instance          Server instance to which operation is applied;
                        default is MSSQLSERVER
  -f  file              Full path and file name to read/write key.
  -p  password          Password used to encrypt or decrypt key.
  -m  machine name      Name of the remote machine to join to the
                        scale-out deployment
  -n  instance name     Name of the remote machine instance to join to the
                        scale-out deployment
  -u  user name         User name of an administrator on the machine to join to
                        the scale-out deployment.  If not supplied, the current
                        user is used.
  -v  password          Password of an administrator on the machine to join to
                        the scale-out deployment
  -t  trace             Include trace information in error message

To create a back-up copy of the report server encryption key:
RSKeyMgmt -e [-i ] -f -p

To restore a back-up copy of the report server encryption key:
RSKeyMgmt -a [-i ] -f -p

To reencrypt secure information using a new key:
RSKeyMgmt -s [-i ]

To reset the report server encryption key and delete all encrypted content:
RSKeyMgmt -d [-i ]

To list the announced report servers in the report server database:
RSKeyMgmt -l [-i ]

To remove a specific installation from a scale-out deployment:
RSKeyMgmt -r [-i ]

To join a remote machine to the same scale-out deployment as the local machine:
RSKeyMgmt -j [-i ] -m
          [-n ] [-u -v ]


I have three report servers but two of them have a problem.

If you want to use rskeymgmt you should start the CMD program with elevated privileges as shown:

Once CMD screen is displayed you can find the report servers as shown. I am using the l and i flags in rskeymgmt. The SQL Server Report Server 2012 PCATT has no problem, while the 2016 and 2017 SQL Server instances OHANA and SSRS are showing the same exception.

C:\>rskeymgmt -l -i PCATT   ---SQL Server 2012
HODENTEK9\PCATT - 879ea471-47cf-4386-b7f1-6eb213a5fff6
The command completed successfully

C:\>rskeymgmt -l -i OHANA     ---SQL Server 2016
The profile for the user is a temporary profile. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80090024)

C:\>rskeymgmt -l -i SSRS      --default instance of SQL Server 2017
The profile for the user is a temporary profile. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80090024)

The previous result was obtained using a Preview Build of OS that was not working well.

Recently 9/14/2018 there was an update to the OS and things have improved. Here are some new results for the same. 

Two of them are not displaying results, in one case the Database Engine is not running and in the other the Report Server is not running.

How do you error check the C:\ Drive?

Look up Properties for the C:\Drive.  Right click C:\drive to display contextual menu. )


Click the tab, Tools


Click Check.

Click  Scan drive. The scanning begins...

The result of checking ( We already knew).

Show Details take you to this screen.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Is there a fix for the 'App Didn't Start' error in Visual Studio

This error appears when you try to deploy the project to the Local Machine (x64). There are no errors during build or deploy stages. However, when you try to run the machine you come up with this message after the App shows up momentarily and disappears immediately.

Trying to deploy to an emulator such as Mobile Emulator 10.0.14393.0 WVGA 4 Inch 512MB comes with the following errors. The emulator is running:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error  DEP0001: Unexpected Error: SmartDeviceException - The system cannot find the file specified. [0x80131500] RMD   

However when you deploy it to a device (in this case Lumia 925) the app gets deployed with no errors.

In order to proceed to package it for uploading to the Windows Store I am not sure just deploying it to the device is good enough.

Is there a fix?

Yes. This was my fix.

What is the right Target version that works for UWP project?

I faced quite a bit of downtime due to the wrong choice of the target version working with UWP Projects. Web search to find a cure sent me searching for answers I could not find.

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 Version 15.8.1. The Dell Laptop is running Evaluation copy of Build 17733.rs5_release(18083-1525). [This OS has a problem in that when you shutdown and restart the OS, it will reinstall the OS afresh wiping out some of the folders; saved passwords; saved items in Microsoft Edge. Visual Studio also gets reset.].

Now coming back to the right Target version for working with UWP projects, there are three options for the Target version shown in this image.


Of the three options only one of them allows the Design editor in Visual Studio come up without this error - The app did'nt start(HRESULT:0x8027025B). This is the only one that works:

Windows 10 Creators Update (10.0; Build 15063).

Regarding the choices for the Min Version, Build 15086 and Build 15063 works without any changes, just the Solution refreshes.

However, if you were to choose Build 14393.0 you need to install the required SDK.

These findings are summarized in the next image.


Friday, September 7, 2018

How do you use the 'calendar' module in Python?

Calendars are very useful and Calendar module is quite easy to work with and there is help in the form of drop-down.

It is quite easy to use. First you need to import the module.

Then it is very easy to use its methods as shown.


You can see all the available methods for this version here:


What version of cURL is on the computer?

You can find using the following command line statement.
C:\>curl -V
curl 7.55.1 (Windows) libcurl/7.55.1 WinSSL
Release-Date: [unreleased]
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps http https imap imaps pop3 pop3s smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: AsynchDNS IPv6 Largefile SSPI Kerberos SPNEGO NTLM SSL

The download wizard for cURL from here;

For Windows (x64, x32)) these downlaods are available at the above site(

curl version: 7.61.1 - SSL enabled SSH enabled
curl for 64 bit
Size: 3.0 MB
sha256: a544d2f7641f73ac41a2d439648337a4fe58753ae1f51562a4be8360cd475e79

curl for 32 bit
Size: 2.7 MB
sha256: 83316f9812e0f20d569fbe06e605de99ac373332c

Thursday, September 6, 2018

How do you use the command line program cURL?

cURL is an opensource URL client. You can look up the manual for cURL with the following:
C:\>curl --help
Usage: curl [options...]
     --abstract-unix-socket Connect via abstract Unix domain socket
     --anyauth       Pick any authentication method
 -a, --append        Append to target file when uploading
     --basic         Use HTTP Basic Authentication
     --cacert CA certificate to verify peer against
     --capath   CA directory to verify peer against
 -E, --cert Client certificate file and password
     --cert-status   Verify the status of the server certificate
     --cert-type Certificate file type (DER/PEM/ENG)
     --ciphers SSL ciphers to use
     --compressed    Request compressed response
 -K, --config Read config from a file
     --connect-timeout Maximum time allowed for connection
     --connect-to Connect to host
 -C, --continue-at Resumed transfer offset
 -b, --cookie Send cookies from string/file
 -c, --cookie-jar Write cookies to after operation
     --create-dirs   Create necessary local directory hierarchy
     --crlf          Convert LF to CRLF in upload
     --crlfile Get a CRL list in PEM format from the given file
 -d, --data    HTTP POST data
     --data-ascii HTTP POST ASCII data
     --data-binary HTTP POST binary data
     --data-raw HTTP POST data, '@' allowed
     --data-urlencode HTTP POST data url encoded
     --delegation GSS-API delegation permission
     --digest        Use HTTP Digest Authentication
 -q, --disable       Disable .curlrc
     --disable-eprt  Inhibit using EPRT or LPRT
     --disable-epsv  Inhibit using EPSV
     --dns-interface Interface to use for DNS requests
IPv4 address to use for DNS requests

IPv6 address to use for DNS requests

     --dns-servers DNS server addrs to use
 -D, --dump-header Write the received headers to
     --egd-file EGD socket path for random data
     --engine Crypto engine to use
     --expect100-timeout How long to wait for 100-continue
 -f, --fail          Fail silently (no output at all) on HTTP errors
     --fail-early    Fail on first transfer error, do not continue
     --false-start   Enable TLS False Start
 -F, --form Specify HTTP multipart POST data
     --form-string Specify HTTP multipart POST data
     --ftp-account Account data string
     --ftp-alternative-to-user String to replace USER [name]
     --ftp-create-dirs Create the remote dirs if not present
     --ftp-method Control CWD usage
     --ftp-pasv      Use PASV/EPSV instead of PORT
 -P, --ftp-port
Use PORT instead of PASV

     --ftp-pret      Send PRET before PASV
     --ftp-skip-pasv-ip Skip the IP address for PASV
     --ftp-ssl-ccc   Send CCC after authenticating
     --ftp-ssl-ccc-mode Set CCC mode
     --ftp-ssl-control Require SSL/TLS for FTP login, clear for transfer
 -G, --get           Put the post data in the URL and use GET
 -g, --globoff       Disable URL sequences and ranges using {} and []
 -I, --head          Show document info only
 -H, --header
Pass custom header(s) to server

 -h, --help          This help text
     --hostpubmd5 Acceptable MD5 hash of the host public key
 -0, --http1.0       Use HTTP 1.0
     --http1.1       Use HTTP 1.1
     --http2         Use HTTP 2
     --http2-prior-knowledge Use HTTP 2 without HTTP/1.1 Upgrade
     --ignore-content-length Ignore the size of the remote resource
 -i, --include       Include protocol response headers in the output
 -k, --insecure      Allow insecure server connections when using SSL
     --interface Use network INTERFACE (or address)
 -4, --ipv4          Resolve names to IPv4 addresses
 -6, --ipv6          Resolve names to IPv6 addresses
 -j, --junk-session-cookies Ignore session cookies read from file
     --keepalive-time Interval time for keepalive probes
     --key      Private key file name
     --key-type Private key file type (DER/PEM/ENG)
     --krb    Enable Kerberos with security
     --libcurl Dump libcurl equivalent code of this command line
     --limit-rate Limit transfer speed to RATE
 -l, --list-only     List only mode
     --local-port Force use of RANGE for local port numbers
 -L, --location      Follow redirects
     --location-trusted Like --location, and send auth to other hosts
     --login-options Server login options
Originator address of the original email

Mail from this address

Mail from this address

 -M, --manual        Display the full manual
     --max-filesize Maximum file size to download
     --max-redirs Maximum number of redirects allowed
 -m, --max-time
     --metalink      Process given URLs as metalink XML file
     --negotiate     Use HTTP Negotiate (SPNEGO) authentication
 -n, --netrc         Must read .netrc for user name and password
     --netrc-file Specify FILE for netrc
     --netrc-optional Use either .netrc or URL
 -:, --next          Make next URL use its separate set of options
     --no-alpn       Disable the ALPN TLS extension
 -N, --no-buffer     Disable buffering of the output stream
     --no-keepalive  Disable TCP keepalive on the connection
     --no-npn        Disable the NPN TLS extension
     --no-sessionid  Disable SSL session-ID reusing
     --noproxy List of hosts which do not use proxy
     --ntlm          Use HTTP NTLM authentication
     --ntlm-wb       Use HTTP NTLM authentication with winbind
     --oauth2-bearer OAuth 2 Bearer Token
 -o, --output Write to file instead of stdout
     --pass Pass phrase for the private key
     --path-as-is    Do not squash .. sequences in URL path
     --pinnedpubkey FILE/HASHES Public key to verify peer against
     --post301       Do not switch to GET after following a 301
     --post302       Do not switch to GET after following a 302
     --post303       Do not switch to GET after following a 303
     --preproxy [protocol://]host[:port] Use this proxy first
 -#, --progress-bar  Display transfer progress as a bar
     --proto Enable/disable PROTOCOLS
     --proto-default Use PROTOCOL for any URL missing a scheme
     --proto-redir Enable/disable PROTOCOLS on redirect
 -x, --proxy [protocol://]host[:port] Use this proxy
     --proxy-anyauth Pick any proxy authentication method
     --proxy-basic   Use Basic authentication on the proxy
     --proxy-cacert CA certificate to verify peer against for proxy
     --proxy-capath CA directory to verify peer against for proxy
     --proxy-cert Set client certificate for proxy
     --proxy-cert-type Client certificate type for HTTS proxy
     --proxy-ciphers SSL ciphers to use for proxy
     --proxy-crlfile Set a CRL list for proxy
     --proxy-digest  Use Digest authentication on the proxy
Pass custom header(s) to proxy

     --proxy-insecure Do HTTPS proxy connections without verifying the proxy
     --proxy-key Private key for HTTPS proxy
     --proxy-key-type Private key file type for proxy
     --proxy-negotiate Use HTTP Negotiate (SPNEGO) authentication on the proxy
     --proxy-ntlm    Use NTLM authentication on the proxy
     --proxy-pass Pass phrase for the private key for HTTPS proxy
     --proxy-service-name SPNEGO proxy service name
     --proxy-ssl-allow-beast Allow security flaw for interop for HTTPS proxy
     --proxy-tlsauthtype TLS authentication type for HTTPS proxy
     --proxy-tlspassword TLS password for HTTPS proxy
     --proxy-tlsuser TLS username for HTTPS proxy
     --proxy-tlsv1   Use TLSv1 for HTTPS proxy
 -U, --proxy-user Proxy user and password
     --proxy1.0 Use HTTP/1.0 proxy on given port
 -p, --proxytunnel   Operate through a HTTP proxy tunnel (using CONNECT)
     --pubkey   SSH Public key file name
 -Q, --quote         Send command(s) to server before transfer
     --random-file File for reading random data from
 -r, --range Retrieve only the bytes within RANGE
     --raw           Do HTTP "raw"; no transfer decoding
 -e, --referer Referrer URL
 -J, --remote-header-name Use the header-provided filename
 -O, --remote-name   Write output to a file named as the remote file
     --remote-name-all Use the remote file name for all URLs
 -R, --remote-time   Set the remote file's time on the local output
 -X, --request Specify request command to use
     --request-target Specify the target for this request
     --resolve Resolve the host+port to this address
     --retry    Retry request if transient problems occur
     --retry-connrefused Retry on connection refused (use with --retry)
     --retry-delay Wait time between retries
     --retry-max-time Retry only within this period
     --sasl-ir       Enable initial response in SASL authentication
     --service-name SPNEGO service name
 -S, --show-error    Show error even when -s is used
 -s, --silent        Silent mode
     --socks4 SOCKS4 proxy on given host + port
     --socks4a SOCKS4a proxy on given host + port
     --socks5 SOCKS5 proxy on given host + port
     --socks5-basic  Enable username/password auth for SOCKS5 proxies
     --socks5-gssapi Enable GSS-API auth for SOCKS5 proxies
     --socks5-gssapi-nec Compatibility with NEC SOCKS5 server
     --socks5-gssapi-service SOCKS5 proxy service name for GSS-API
     --socks5-hostname SOCKS5 proxy, pass host name to proxy
 -Y, --speed-limit Stop transfers slower than this
 -y, --speed-time Trigger 'speed-limit' abort after this time
     --ssl           Try SSL/TLS
     --ssl-allow-beast Allow security flaw to improve interop
     --ssl-no-revoke Disable cert revocation checks (WinSSL)
     --ssl-reqd      Require SSL/TLS
 -2, --sslv2         Use SSLv2
 -3, --sslv3         Use SSLv3
     --stderr        Where to redirect stderr
     --suppress-connect-headers Suppress proxy CONNECT response headers
     --tcp-fastopen  Use TCP Fast Open
     --tcp-nodelay   Use the TCP_NODELAY option
 -t, --telnet-option Set telnet option
     --tftp-blksize Set TFTP BLKSIZE option
     --tftp-no-options Do not send any TFTP options
 -z, --time-cond
     --tls-max Use TLSv1.0 or greater
     --tlsauthtype TLS authentication type
     --tlspassword   TLS password
     --tlsuser TLS user name
 -1, --tlsv1         Use TLSv1.0 or greater
     --tlsv1.0       Use TLSv1.0
     --tlsv1.1       Use TLSv1.1
     --tlsv1.2       Use TLSv1.2
     --tlsv1.3       Use TLSv1.3
     --tr-encoding   Request compressed transfer encoding
     --trace   Write a debug trace to FILE
     --trace-ascii Like --trace, but without hex output
     --trace-time    Add time stamps to trace/verbose output
     --unix-socket Connect through this Unix domain socket
 -T, --upload-file Transfer local FILE to destination
     --url      URL to work with
 -B, --use-ascii     Use ASCII/text transfer
 -u, --user Server user and password
 -A, --user-agent Send User-Agent to server
 -v, --verbose       Make the operation more talkative
 -V, --version       Show version number and quit
 -w, --write-out Use output FORMAT after completion
     --xattr         Store metadata in extended file attributes

This is what I have on my IIS site, localhost

You can get a taste for cURL  using the GET command. The response you get is the HTML file for the localhost


You can get the header information using the switch -i as shown (the image only shows the header but the above HTML is also in the response):
