Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Can you connect to a SQLite database using Power BI ?

Yes, you can.

Power BI is the Microsoft product for business intelligence. SQLite is well known for its use in mobile platforms and embedded apps.

There is no native way of connecting to SQLite using Power BI, but you could use the ODBC driver which was described in an earlier post.

Read here:
ODBC Drivers for SQLite:

Read here:
Creating ODBC DSN for SQLite3:

Connecting to SQLite3 using Power BI is easy. Here are the steps.

Launch Power BI and open the Get Data menu as shown.

In the list in the Other clic on ODBC.

Highlight the DSN, ODBCSQLite and Click OK. 

Change it to Windows (this may not be necessary) and click Connect.

The From ODBC window is displayed. Click on Advanced Options to display the pane where you can write a SQL Statement.

It goes through from processing and since there is no table by that name, it returns an error.

Now change the SQL Statement to the following:

Select * from Users

After some processing it get connected.

Now you can find the table details in Navigator as shown.

Power BI does not show the tables and write a query you need to know the objects you created in SQLite database.

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