Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Can you access SQLite data using MS Excel ?

Yes you can as long as you are using matching architecture of MS Excel and the ODBC driver for SQLite database.

From MS Excel the way to access data from SQLite3 is best explained by these two images.

You come to the above screen from Data | From Other Sources. When you click From ODBC you should be able to access the data.

I had a ODBC DSN to SQLite3 database using the x64 bit ODBC Driver I downloaded as explained in an earlier post. I tried to access this data using my x32bit MS Excel application and I got this error.

I did not succeed because there was an architectural mismatch.

My options are:

Either I get a x64bit Excel Application to use the DSN I have created with x64bit ODBC Driver for SQLite3
Get a x32bit driver for SQLite3 and work with existing MS Excel Application(x32)

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