Friday, May 27, 2016

What is the difference between factorial and lfactorial in R programming?

Factorial computes the factorial of a number. Given a number n it computes n! (n factorial). You can follow this after launching the R Gui. 5! is same as 5x4x3x2x1
> factorial(5)
[1] 120
factorial in R programming is also applicable to non-integers.
> factorial(5.5)
[1] 287.8853
How does R programming calculates factorial. It is calculated in the most efficient manner using the Gamma function.

In implementation to calculate factorial R calculates the gamma
> gamma(5+1)
[1] 120  - This is same as factorial(5)
What about lfactorial in R programming?

The definition of lfactorial ( is ;
lfactorial(n) is log(factorial(n))
> lfactorial(5)
[1] 4.787492
> log(factorial(5))
[1] 4.787492
Another interesting tip is you can use factorial function presenting it with a list like factorial(c(5,4,3)) and not a number. It would then compute the factorial for each of the numbers. For example:
> factorial(c(5,4,3))
[1] 120  24   6
> factorial(c(5,4.3,2))
[1] 120.00000  38.07798   2.00000
> lfactorial(c(5,4,3))
[1] 4.787492 3.178054 1.791759

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