Monday, March 6, 2017

Can I use the bacpac file to import WWI database?

Although the bacpac file available is for the Azure SQL Database, you can use it to import it inot SQL Server 2016 Sp1.

In this post I describe how you may construct the database on the named instance using a BacPac file.
If you have not used this kind of file please review the following link here.

In what follows I describe using the .bacpac file to construct the WWI database
Go here:

Get this bacpac file:
Azure SQL Database Standard tier

    WideWorldImporters-Standard.bacpac - standard edition OLTP sample database in bacpac format. For Azure SQL Databases in the Standard tier.

Download the 58.4 MB file from the above site.

SQL Server 2016 SP1 like the other versions has a wizard to bring the database using a .bacpac file such the one you downloaded.

You invoke the wizard as shown in the next image and follow through.


Click Import Data-tier Applicaiton... to open the window shown in the next image.  Read the steps in this introductory page.


 Click Next. You click the Browse... button to locate the  indicated file. This is the location to which I saved the WideWorldImporters-Standard.bacpac file. 
It does not matter it is for Azure SQL Database.


After getting the file location from the location as shown in the next image proceed to next step.


After getting the file location in the wizard's interface (the image one above the previous) click Next.


 Just verify that the location for files are what you want. Herein defaults are accepted. You could browse and park elsewhere.

The database name was changed to WWI_Bacpac.

Click Next. The Summary of processing is presented as shown.


Click Next. The next four images shows the progress captured in images. Indexes are dropped and created, etc.


Object explorer refreshed - last processing step.

The WWI database is imported successfully.

Here is the final verification of the import into the named instance.


Another way to import the database is using the Restore utility in SQL Server 2016 as described here.

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