Friday, May 31, 2024

Do AI chat bots learn from user interaction?

 This is an important question going forward with AI. If they do then information from one questions to the next and the answers get somehow sent to AI's source. If not, there is nothing going from your device to the source. I do AI chats both on my Android Samsung phone as well as from my Surface Pro laptop. The META AI is on my on my phone.


CoPilot does not remember stuff from one conversation to next. It does not LEARN from user interaction.


Look here, what I hear from META AI on my WhatsApp account:

Do you learn from user interaction in any way?

Yes, I learn from user interaction in several ways:

1. *Improving responses*: Through user feedback, I can refine my understanding of what constitutes a helpful and accurate response.
2. *Adapting to language*: User interactions help me learn to recognize and generate language patterns, idioms, and colloquialisms.
3. *Expanding knowledge*: Users may ask questions or provide information on topics I'm not familiar with, which helps me expand my knowledge base.
4. *Tuning accuracy*: User corrections and clarifications enable me to fine-tune my understanding and accuracy on specific topics.
5. *Understanding context*: User interactions help me better understand the context and nuances of language, allowing me to provide more relevant and empathetic responses.

Your interactions with me today are contributing to my ongoing learning and improvement!

The Q&A are indeed saved on the server.


Here is what I hear from Gemini:

Do you profit from user interaction in some way by saving the Q &A?

Yes, Google Assistant can benefit from user interaction by saving Q&A data. This data helps improve its understanding of language and user needs. Here are some ways this can happen:

 * Improved responses: By analyzing past interactions, Google Assistant can learn to identify patterns and improve its ability to respond to future queries in a more informative and helpful way.

 * New feature development: Data on user interactions can inform the development of new features and functionalities for Google Assistant.

 * Personalized experiences: User interaction data can be used to personalize the Assistant's responses to individual users, tailoring results to their preferences and search history.

This interactive learning is very important and I am not sure how and how often the creator of CoPilot updates its KB.

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