Saturday, April 14, 2018

UWP: How do you make all textboxes to have same properties in XAML?

All textboxes having the same properties such as font style, font size, bordering etc. is essential for making apps to have a good visual appeal.

There are various ways you can do it, but here is a simple example of doing it.

I will be using the example in my previous post as it will simplify writing for me.

I will be using the layout in the next image from my above post:


This is how you modify the XMAL markup for the MainPage.xaml

You include the style elements you want as a Gird attribute  inside your page. If the control you use is a textbox (there are four in the above layout) then all of them will get the same style.

 In the rendered app, you will get what you designed.

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