Friday, June 30, 2017

What do you mean by 'Comprehension' in JavaScript?

Comprehension(s) list(array) is used in many computer languages. What it does is it takes an array and modifies it  to create a new list(array) based on some modifier.

For example if you have a list like this: [ 1,2,3 ],
you can create a new list with each element of list replaced by itself multiplied 3 times like in Example 1

In the second example from Mozilla site, you take an array of lower case letters and use the Javascript string operatory 'toUpper()' to generate a new array with letters of each element capitalized.

Read here:

These were tested to work in Mozilla Firefox (I believe it is version 54). However it does not work in Microsoft Edge. I believe these are still being tested for future version of ECMA script according to the Mozilla Developer site.

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