Friday, October 7, 2016

How do you convert a JSON file to a custom object using PowerShell?

The syntax for converting a JSON formatted string to a custom object is the following:
Parameter Set: Default
ConvertFrom-Json [-InputObject] [ ]

ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet converts a JavaScript Object Notation (Json) formated string to a PSCustomObject which has a property for each field in the JSON string.

Read more here:

OK. Let us take a practical example.

Here is a JSON formatted Key-value pairs.
[  {
  "color": "red",
Now we declare a variable to take the JSON formatted string in a Here-String as shown:
 [  {
  "color": "red",
The above is the correct format that PowerShell would accept for conversion into a JSON object.
With this Here-String in hand you just use the cmdlet as shown:


Now you can use this obejct to find items such as number of segments, items by number or write out the data as shown.


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