Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Oracle 10G XE is on port 8080. Can I change the port?

 If you have port conflict and you want to change Oracle 10G XE's HTTP port (default is 8080) you can change it.

This is what you do in the Windows XP machine.

Make sure OracleServiceXE and OracleXETNSListener have started in the Control Panel.

From Start | Run open a command window.
Assuming your environmental variables are set correctly start with the following: (Reds are what you type-in and blues are what the computer writes to screen)

C:\>sqlplus /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Aug 26 10:40:44 2008

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

SQL> connect
Enter user-name: system
Enter password: >enter password if will not be visible >
SQL> Exec DBMS_XDB.SETHTTPPORT(8087); [Assuming you want to have HTTP going to this port]

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production

I have a bunch of articles on Oracle 10G XE at the following link:

Thursday, August 21, 2008

How do you turn on and turn off Report Server Web Service functionality in SQL Server 2008?

You can turn off and turn on Reporting services functionality using the SQL Server Management Studio.

Step 1: Connect to the Report Server from File |Connect Object Explorer... to open the
Connect to Server window.

Step 2: Pick Reporting  Services and click [assumed authentication is OK].
After a while the  Report Server opens in Management Studio as shown.

Step 3: Right click the Report Server node to reveal drop-down menu as shown.

Step 4: Click on Facets.

The View Facets window opens. It shows the surface area exposed with all reporting services programs running. You can change the TRUE to FALSE for these services to turn them off for one reason or another. Suppose you are managing reports and viewing them without a need for a Report Manager, then you can turn off Report Manager here. Later if you do need you can turn it on. Similarly for Scheduled events and Web Services as well. After making changes click OK.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

How does an Access table copy over to MS SQL Server 2008?

Here is an example of how Categories table in Northwind database would copy over to the SQL Server 2008 Database Nwind2008.

MS Access:

Category ID  Primary Key Data Type: AutoNumber Long Integer Indexed:Yes(No dups)
CategoryName: Data Type: Text FieldSize:15 AllowZeroLength:No Indexed:Yes(No dups)
Descripton: Data Type:Memo AllowZeroLength+NO, Indexed:No, Required:no
Picture: OLE Object Required:NO

SQL Server 2008:
CategoryID: Int AllowNulls:NO
CategoryName: nvarchar(15) AllowNulls:No
Description: nvarchar(MAX) allowNulls:Yes
Picture: Data Type: image Allow Nulls:Yes

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dojo111 with Internet Information Server 5.1

Do you want to experience one of the nicest open source Javascript based Rich Internet Application developer tool DOJO and host it on your IIS?

Then do the following:

Step 1:
Download the latest build from:
File name:dojo-release-1.1.1.tar.gz (a tarred and zipped file)

Step 2:
Get BitZipper 5.0 from:
Bit zipper zips through the zipped archives and gets you the inside stuff that you can now use.
Use BitZipper to unravel the dojo111 download.

Step 3:
I unzipped the contents to a folder on my desktop called dojo111.

The folder had the following subfolders:
I created another folder here, my own called Hodentek

Now in my IIS default web site I created a new virtual directory by following Default Web Site|New |Virtual Directory...and pointed the folder location to my desktop folder dojo111.

Now my Dojo111 website looks like this. I am ready to roll.

Have fun!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

How do I create Primary Key/Foreign Key relationships in SQL Server2008?

The easiest way to create is by using the SQL Server Management Studio. I assume you have designed two or three tables and you want to assign keys. You can go to my other blog where I have added a posting.
