Wednesday, May 4, 2016

What is the difference between Arduino UNO and Arduino 101?

First of all Arduino (iconic name) is common to both of them and both of them use the same kind of connectors and periferals.

Arduino UNO used the ATmega 328 processor but the heart of Arduino 101 is an Intel Curie board with two cores, an x86 (Quark) and an ARC Argonaut RISC Core). These two cores enable high performance and low power-consumption.

Arduino UNO adds on-board Bluetooth Low Energy and 6-axis accelerometer / gyroscope capabilities. This means Arduino 101 is more powerful than Arduino UNO in terms of remote (Bluetooth) operation and accelerometer capability. Arduino UNO has no such capability.

In order to access Arduino UNO remotely you would need a Wi-Fi shield.

Arduino 101 has libraries for the following embedded peripherals :

CureBLE (to control Bluetooth Low Energy module)
CurieIMU(to control the 6-axis accelerometer + gyro)
Curie Timer One (to control Timer functions)

The above libraries are installed with Intel Curie core.

In order to work with the Arduino 101 you would need Arduino 1.6.7 software or later.

In my previous post you have seen how to work with Visual Studio 2015 Community for Arduino. You can use Visual Studio Community with Arduino 101 as displayed here:

In my next post I will discuss how to install the latest version of Arduino to work with Arduino 101.

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