Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What does the utility aspnet_regsql.exe do?

The utility aspnet_regsql.exe was introduced in Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. This utility creates a SQL Database to support forms' authentication in asp.net web applications to store site users' Membership related authentication information in an SQL Server database. Users accessing a web site which needs authentication by entering username and password in a web form presented to the user will have their information stored in a local copy of SQL Server against which they will be authenticated.

This utility is generally found in this folder:

The help file for this utility can be accessed using the command as shown :
 C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727>aspnet_regsql.exe /?
Administrative utility to install and uninstall ASP.NET features on a SQL


Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved

                             -- GENERAL OPTIONS --

-?                Display this help text.

-W                Wizard mode. (Default if no other parameters are specified.)

                          -- SQL CONNECTION OPTIONS --

-S        SQL Server instance (SQL Server 7.0 and above) to work with.

-U      SQL Server user name to authenticate with; requires -P

-P      SQL Server password to authenticate with; requires -U option.

-E                Authenticate with current Windows credentials.

                  Connection string. Instead of specifying a user name,
                  password, and server name, specify a SQL Server connection
                  string. The string must not contain a database name unless
                  otherwise specified.

                  Generate the SQL script file for adding or removing the
                  specified features and do not carry out the actual operation.
                  Can be used with the following options: -A, -R, -ssadd, and

                       -- APPLICATION SERVICES OPTIONS --

-A all|m|r|p|c|w  Add support for a feature. Multiple values can be specified
                  together. For example:

                      -A mp
                      -A m -A p

                  all: All features
                  m: Membership
                  r: Role manager
                  p: Profiles
                  c: Personalization
                  w: SQL Web event provider

-R all|m|r|p|c|w  Remove support for a feature. Multiple values can be
                  specified together. For example:

                      -R mp
                      -R m -R p

                  all : All features plus all common tables and stored
                  procedures shared by the features
                  m: Membership
                  r: Role manager
                  p: Profiles
                  c: Personalization
                  w: SQL Web event provider

-d      Database name for use with application services. If no
                  database name is specified, the default database "aspnetdb"
                  is used.

-Q                Quiet mode; do not display confirmation to remove a feature.

           -- SQL CACHE DEPENDENCY OPTIONS (FOR SQL 7.0 AND 2000) --

-d      Database name for use with SQL cache dependency in SQL 7.0
                  and SQL 2000. The database can optionally be specified using
                  the connection string with the -C option instead. (Required)

-ed               Enable a database for SQL cache dependency.

-dd               Disable a database for SQL cache dependency.

-et               Enable a table for SQL cache dependency. Requires -t option.

-dt               Disable a table for SQL cache dependency. Requires -t option.

        Name of the table to enable or disable for SQL cache                   dependency. Requires -et or -dt option. -lt               List all tables enabled for SQL cache dependency.                       

                                               -- SESSION STATE OPTIONS --
-ssadd            Add support for SQLServer mode session state.
-ssremove         Remove support for SQLServer mode session state.
-sstype t|p|c     Type of session state support:                   t: temporary.
Session state data is stored in the "tempdb"    database. Stored procedures for managing session are          installed in the "ASPState" database. Data is not persisted   if you restart SQL. (Default)            
   p: persisted. Both session state data and the stored  procedures are stored in the "ASPState" database.              
c: custom. Both session state data and the stored procedures  are stored in a custom database. The database name must be  specified. -d      The name of the custom database to use if -sstype is "c".

How to create the membership database in the local SQL Express Server?

 Run the following in the DOS screen:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727>aspnet_regsql -S Hodentek3\SQLExpress -E -A m

Here SQLExpress is installed in the computer Hodentek3

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