Monday, January 30, 2017

What is an Advanced Driver Assitance System?

Accidents are a part of modern day life especially traffic related accidents. Built-in systems in most vehicles such as restraining seat belts, airbags, crumple zones are effective only after or during an accident. However what is really needed is accident prevention or mitigation to reduce effects of an accident. This is the issue that is addressed by the Advanced Driver System. In the coming age of connected cars parts of which are already implemented, there is a great deal of improvement to safety by adopting Advanced Driver Assistance(ADA).

ADA is the byword for safety and safe cars are of crucial importance to consumers and automakers go all the way to look at distinguishing themselves in this regard. Some of the ADA elements are already present in some of the cars you buy, such as,

Adaptive Cruise Control
Lane departure warning
Night Vision
Adaptive-light control
Collision avoidance systems with proximity sensors

ADA is a preemptive feature to help preventing an accident and should not be included as a luxury. ADA is especially useful on highways where cruise control is essential. Use of sensors help monitor speed and provide feedback to adaptive cruise control. This is perhaps the most well known ADA feature. While the core idea is speed control its implementation is different in different automakers.

For example, the Audi (Audi A4 sedan,Q7 cross-over etc) the winner of the 2017 Autoblog Technology of the Year awards does quite a few things in adaptive cruise control, such as

Takes into account topology of road, curves, and speed limits
Reads speed limit signs and resets them in the system to match
Slows down around corners
With destination set, slowing down while approaching destination is automatic

More and more cars, even the middle range cars will have ADA features implemented in the coming years.

Is it possible to use PowerShell to work with Hyper-V?

The short answer is yes. On a Windows 10 machine you can use Hyper-V to work with VMs. On a Windows 10 machine you need to enable Hyper-V using the 'Turn Windows features on or off' pop-up from the Program and Features in the Control Panel. When you enable it you should be able to see this.

You can then search for Hyper-V and start the GUI.

Clicking on Hyper-V Manager brings up the graphic user interface.

Hyper-V with PowerShell

It is also possible to use Hyper-V PowerShell module to simplify and automate management tasks. Most of what you do on the GUI can be carried out using PowerShell.

The advantages of using PowerShell is that you can automate most of the actions with flexibility. It can also provide you with features not implemented in the GUI.

If Hyper-V is already present, as in the present case (or machine) you can check if the Hyper-V module is available by using the Get-Command as in the following statement after bringing up the PowerShell command prompt:
Get-Command -module Hyper-V

This brings up the following response when run. The following is a screen shot of PowerShell ISE from the present machine. I have only included a portion of the result and most commandlets are named after their task.

For example:

Get-VMHOST gets the host information as shown.

PS C:\Users\Jayaram> get-vmhost

Name      LogicalProcessorCount MemoryCapacity(M) VirtualMachineMigrationEnabled
----      --------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------
HODENTEK8 8                     8116.2734375      False

PS C:\Users\Jayaram> get-vmhost|Select *

Just peruse the list and you can do many things with PowerShell.

If you are looking for installing Hyper-V on Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 go here:

Install Hyper-V on Windows 10:

Install Hyper-V on Windows 8.1: