Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How do you sign up for Windows Live account?

Even if you have Google, Yahoo and other accounts, you should try Windows Live account. It opens the door for many things including all your social networking stuff. You also get to store your stuff on 'skydrive', which is password protected and you can access it from anywhere assumign you can get to internet.

While choosing usernames try to choose a slightly longer name than your own first name or nickname. if you are john do not choose john, try john$$ for example. The same goes to password, choose one hwich has atleast 8 characters, not something like '1234'. '1234' is easy to remember but a lot easierr to hack.

Now for the step-by-step tutorial:

1.  Hold down Control key (CTRL) and click on the blue line below.

The following page is displayed:

2.  Now click on SIGN UP in blue (the above should be in the web page).

The following page is displayed.

3.  After you finish the ‘Who are you?’ section do the following:

4.  Click on ‘Or get a new email address”.

The following is displayed:

You have already entered your personal information.  In the Microsoft account name box type in the first part of your email address. This form will add @ Hotmail.com to it. If you already have a ‘hotmail’ account you can use it. You can get a ‘Live.com’ account as well.

The other option to Hotmail.com is the following:

Make sure the name is little more than a few letters. TOM or CLARA will not do because there may be many more with the above name. Perhaps TOM_JULY30 or CLARA$ may be more easily available. Try to type in a slightly complicated account name. WRITE IT DOWN IN YOUR NOTE BOOK.

5.  In the create a password box type in a password which contains atleast 8 letters and atleast a number. WRITE IT DOWN IN YOUR NOTE BOOK.

6.  Reenter the password you just entred.

7.  Enter your telephone number (the one you access daily)

8.  If you have another email address (perhaps, someone@yahoo.com  or someone@gmail.com

9.  Next you write the ZIP code in its box.

10. In the bottom most box type exactly what you see in blue under(New|Auto). It is not case sensitive.

11. Click I accept

12. If there are no issues you will see the final page which says your entry was successful. It probably opens on  your Windows Live Account page.