Saturday, December 20, 2008

What is the difference between a stepped layout and a blocked layout in the table design of a report?

The difference is very easy to discern when you have a grouped display of data as shown in the two reports which uses the same data source but only the layout is different. In the stepped report you will notice a clear step where what is grouped under is clearly delineated.

Monday, December 15, 2008

How do I turn-off ATOM / RSS feeds in IE?

You can do this from TOOLS | Internet Options in IE
which brings up the Internet Options page as shown

Click on the Content tab to open that page as shown

In the section Feeds click on Settings

In the Feed Settings page uncheck the Turn on feed reading view

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I started a project with .NET 2.0 framework, how do I change it to compile for .NET 3.5 in Visual Studio 2008?

Let us say you have a web site project which uses .NET 2.0 framework and you want to change it to .NET 3.5 to try out something supported by .NET 3.5

You can right click the web site and access the Properties as shown here and change the target framework to .NET Framework 3.5

On the other hand if it is a Windows Application, you right click and access the Property pages as before which displays the following:

 Now click on the Advanced Compile Options...button to display the next,

Now you can change over to the target you desire.