Saturday, October 20, 2018

What verb-noun pairs are available in PowerShell?

In PowerShell, verb-name pair refers to naming of Cmdlets.

Here is an example:


Get is the verb and Command is the noun. This cmdlet retrieves all commands registered in PowerShell

PowerShell has an extensive set of Cmdlets to cover various aspects of Management.
These are the principle high-level verbs.

Common Verbs
System.Management.Automation.VerbsCommon enumeration class to define generic actions that can apply to almost any cmdlet.

Communication Verbs
System.Management.Automation.VerbsCommunications class to define actions that apply to communications.

Data Verbs
System.Management.Automation.VerbsData class to define actions that apply to data handling.

Diagnostic Verbs
System.Management.Automation.VerbsDiagnostic class to define actions that apply to diagnostics

Lifecycle Verbs
System.Management.Automation.VerbsLifeCycle class to define actions that apply to the lifecycle of a resource

Security Verbs

System.Management.Automation.VerbsSecurity class to define actions that apply to security.

Other Verbs
System.Management.Automation.VerbsOther class to define canonical verb names that do not fit into a specific verb name category such as the common, communications, data, lifecycle, or security verb names verbs.

Read more here:

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