Wednesday, January 3, 2018

How do I troubleshoot 'Report Server WMI Provider error' in SSRS 2017?

You have SQL Server Developer 2017 installed with a default instance and you have a SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration Manager. You try to configure the Reporting Services 2017 using the configuration manager and you encounter this error.


You verified that WMI is working and you can get connected to the local computer using wmimgmt.msc command as shown.


The first thing is to check if SQL Server is working and has started. This you can do in Control  | Panel Services. If it has not started, you can start it. You should also check if the Reporting Services for the particular instance has started, and start it if it has not.

If you do not find the SQL Server Reporting Services service in Control Panel|..|Services, the chances are you have not installed Reporting Services. The fact that you have a Reporting Services 2017 Configuration Manager does not guarantee that the Reporting Services is installed.

In this case trying to configure SSRS 2017 will result in the WMI error.

Another check you can make is to see if Reporting Services is in the WMI as shown. There are two Report Servers (one from SSRS 2012 and the other SSRS 2016) and there is no Report Server corresponding to a default instance.


Prior to SQL Server 2017, Reporting Services was installed when you installed the Database engine if you chose to include.

In SQL Server 2017 you need to install Reporting Services before you can configure it. Once you install SQL Server Reporting Services, this error goes away and you can continue configuring the Report Server. In this case, you can verify in WMI  as shown here.

and in the Control panel as shown.

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