Saturday, February 27, 2016

What is a good size for an image to display on a Smart Phone?

This is a very broad question. Of course, 'Smart Phone' narrows it down somewhat. However there is still a large range of phone sizes. The following are my observations and should be tested in each case.

I had a need to place couple of dozens of images in an app (generic). I was developing the app with IntelXDK using just with HTML5, actually a web app. I wanted to make sure that I could fit in the images in my app. But what size? what file size? 

I experimented with the images you can take with a smart phone (1028x768) and resized images 75%, 50% and 25%. On an emulator they look the same. I had to set the size on the IntelXDK designer so that I can see the images properly on some of smart phones.

The details are here:
This next part (Part 6) is all about placing images and text formatting:
Apple iPhone 6

 Apple iPhone 5
 Motorola Razor
 Nokia Lumia 920
 Samsung Galaxy S

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