Wednesday, August 29, 2018

How much does a 'satoshi' cost?

It depends on the day and time you want to know the conversion rate. Satoshi is the unit of Bitcoin.

Satoshi_1 from site below

You can get the conversion rate here:

I just tried to find today (8/29/2018 around 5.00 PM Hawaiian time).


How do you handle the 'Server execution failed' Windows Media Player error?

When you try to play a movie using Windows Media Player, or double click a movie file with Windows Media Player as your default, you will see this error.


The reason may be that the Windows Movie Player process is still active. You can see this in the Task Manager as shown.


Highlight this process in Task Manager and cclick End Process.

Now if you double click Windows Media Player or a .mp4 file you should see it starting.

The same kind of problems used to happen while opening a Mozilla Browser. I have not been using the browser recently.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How do you use SQL Server Agent in SQL Operations Studio(SQLOPS)?

You must install the July update to SQLOPS (July 2018 Public Preview version 0.31.4)  to access the extensions. You find the SQL Server Agent extension in the extensions MARKET place as shown here.


Troubleshooting SQL Server Agent jobs and configuration is the most important aspects of ths extesion.

Things you can ddo with this extension in SQLOPS:
List SQL Server Agent Jobs configured on a SQL Server
View Job History with job execution results
Basic Job Control to start and stop jobs

You need to install before you use it which can implemented inside SQLOPS.


Installing is as easy as clicking the Install button.


The Agent screen is broken in the right pane above. Perhaps it is not turned on.

I start the agent inside SSMS 17. SQL Server Agent starts and it turns green in the Object explorer.

With this I should be able to see the July 2018 Public Preview version 0.31.4 in SQLOPS. I have tried both SQL Server 2016 and SQL Server 2017. I have seen the SQL Server Agent in some earlier screen shots.

However, off the extension you see a tabbed page as shown.

This extension may not work with SQL Server 2016 Agent.

Here is the same job you would see on SQL Server 2017.

Monday, August 20, 2018

How did you fix the Unhandled Exception 'the app didn't start' 0x8027025B ?

After having struggled over a week and half (, I decided to document what I do, a little more assiduously. It really did pay off!

The version of Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 is the latest 15.8.1 and now I believe the procedure would work in the earlier versions as well (I am not going to verify this, though). I am working with a Dell laptop using Windows 10 Pro Build 177733.rs5_release.180803-1525.

In one of my irate moments I might have attributed the problem to this build of Windows which I sincerely retract.

I created a Visual Studio UWP Blank Project and before I create a project, I need to choose the target version from this displayed screen.


I accepted this default and created a project as shown. The MaiPage.xaml is displayed together with the Solution Explorer as shown. You now see that this error is in the designer.


I believe that whether or not you can display in the designer is immaterial as far as Build is concerned, as it builds fine.


'Deploy Solution' from the Build menu also works as seen here.


You can run it in the Local Machine as shown here.


Now I deploy to the device connected to the USB Port (Lumia 925).


It works fine in the device.


The only thing that is not working in this project is the 'DESIGNER'.

Now bring up the Project properties page as shown and choose a different version from the drop-down.


I chose the Target version Windows 10 Fall Creators Update(10.0; Build 16290) and the Project got reloaded with the chosen Target version.


The 'app didn't start' error did not go away and the designer is still unusable.

I went back to choose a different Target and Min versions as shown here:


Voila! We have a hit.


Now I must go back and verify the many earlier projects are still working.

August 22, 2018
Next, I tried to open one of the many UWP Projects that had worked earlier to the VS Community 2017 upgrades which had this error.

Well, they compiled well worked without any error. The designer had no problems.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

How do you change the default language for installed templates in Visual Studio Community 2017?

You may find that after you launch the Visual Studio you may not see some of the templates that you were using previously. This is especially true after you install a new version or an upgrade. However you can correct this and is not a bug. I got the answer to this from Visual Studio Forum.

Here is how it started when it was launched after a version upgrade. I upgraded the version to Version 15.8.0.


Click Tools and click Import and Export Settings... shown.


The Import and Export Settings Wizard is displayed as shown.


I just took the default(first option on the above page) and clicked next>
Choose Settings to Export of the wizard is shown.


Click Next>

Name Your settings File page of wizard is displayed as shown.


I clicked Finish and my settings were saved.


When I launched Visual Studio nothing had changed. I still got the Visual Basic templates.

I went back to Import and Export to do a Reset All Settings as shown.


And then, I saved my settings in the next window.


I chose Visual C# for Default Collection of Settings in the following window


I clicked Finish to complete the Reset as shown. I disregarded the error.


I closed the above window and lanuched Visual Studio and clicked the Fiel | New Project...
Now I could see the C# templates as shown.


Thursday, August 16, 2018

How to enable "Allow Deployment operations in special profiles policy" ?

In my previous post, the Blank UWP project created using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 version 15.7.5 - the Build operation succeeded although there was the following error in the MainPage.xaml page:

" The pacakge deployment operation is blocked by the 'Allow Deployment operations in special profiles policy"

In order to unblock this policy, the following procedure was employed on a Windows 10 Professional Laptop(DELL):

In Search charm type in Local Group Policy. Click Edit group policy.

 Local Group Policy Editor is displayed.

Click Administrative Templates.  Click Windows Components and click App Package Deployment.

Now choose to Enabled if it is not already. Note: After a new Windows Update it was in disabled state.

Click OK.

Allow Deployment operations in special profiles policy
This policy setting allows you to manage the deployment of Windows Store apps when the user is signed in using a special profile. Special profiles are the following user profiles, where changes are discarded after the user signs off:

Roaming user profiles to which the "Delete cached copies of roaming profiles" Group Policy setting applies
Mandatory user profiles and super-mandatory profiles, which are created by an administrator
Temporary user profiles, which are created when an error prevents the correct profile from loading
User profiles for the Guest account and members of the Guests group

If you enable this policy setting, Group Policy allows deployment operations (adding, registering, staging, updating, or removing an app package) of Windows Store apps when using a special profile.
If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, Group Policy blocks deployment operations of Windows Store apps when using a special profile.

Also there are more policy related items for the Apps.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Oh! Why do I get this blank Microsoft edge browser page?

 Recently my laptop OS got upgraded to the build, 17733.rs5_release.18083-1525. Looks like Microsoft Edge with the following signature:

Microsoft Edge 44.17733.1000.0
Microsoft EdgeHTML 18.17733

has some display related problems.

This is one of the observed problems that some blank browser pages appear that cannot be closed using the context menu or the Close(x) (or ALT+F4) control on the page.

Before this blank page showed up, the OS sort of rebooted all by itself and when the OS was reloaded, this blank page showed up.

Here are some associated screen shots:

Blank page was there in the first place, added another page above.

It appears blank, but it is on a NASDAQ site.

The blank page can be minimized/maximized but cannot be closed.

The other thing I have been noticing is that the Downloads now go to a TEMP location and presently to:
C:\Users\TEMP.XXXXXX\Downloads. There is a control that allows saving it to a different location. I am not sure when this happened. I heard that Microsoft decided to save everything to Cloud, I am not sure if it is true.

Also the Project I create in Visual Studio also gets saved to this 'TEMP.xxxxx' folder. Is this normal?

Monday, August 13, 2018

Is the Visual Studio Community 2017 version 15.7.6 better than 15.7.5? - Part 2

This problem was reported to the FORUM and this was also put in triage.

The next step was to seek help. There was a chat help available and started a chat session with one of the help staff:

Here is the transcript:

Contact us

End chat
Thank you for contacting Microsoft Support. I am XXXXX. How can I help you today?
4:08 pm
Please be aware that if you switch apps or change focus to another window while working with us, you may get disconnected from your chat session. To ensure the best support experience, please stay active in this chat window.
4:08 pm
follow up with product team on that post
4:10 pm
you can do that
4:10 pm
in 15.7.5 as well 15.7.6 the C# templates are in a different node in the New Project. However using the template lots of errors are spawned. I have reported to the forum in the last couple of days. All reported problems are in triage. What happens now?
4:10 pm
waiting for the product team to check whether it is a bug or not
4:11 pm
How long this process takes?
4:11 pm
I am not sure about that. if there is no progress, you can raise new post to increase the visibility of the issue
4:12 pm
In the absence of a reply from the forum, what is the best course of action? Surely, not waiting.
4:13 pm
4:14 pm
that is a free forum and here is the free chat
4:15 pm
and product team is already looking into it
4:15 pm
if you still want to chase it, then maybe paid techinical support is the next level
4:16 pm
I have replaced name of the Microsoft staff by XXXXX.

Looks like I will be just waiting for Microsoft to resolve this issue as I cannot afford paid technical help just to contribute to my blog (just to help Microsoft  improve its product).

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Is the Visual Studio Community 2017 version 15.7.6 better than 15.7.5?

It was noticed while using Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.7.5 that C# templates were not found in their usual local in the New Project... window. This absence was raised in one of the Forums post and it was triaged by the Forum monitor.

Please review the following posts regarding this issue:

As far as the unavailability of C# templates 15.7.6 is no better than its earlier version.

Since the version 15.7.5  did not work for C#, it was decided to try the next version, 15.7.6. This was available and it was installed  using the Visual Studio Community 2017 version 15.7.5.

Although C# templates were not found in their usual location they were available in the Other Languages node as shown.

A Blank App (UWP) project was created as shown.

An unhandled exception was thrown as seen above. The build process came up with some warnings but no errors.

The Deploy in Build menu item did not throw any errors and was deployed. There is a corresponding shortcut to the app in the All Programs.

However trying to run the app on the LocalMachine came up with this message.

The version 15.7.6 has the same problem as the 15.7.5 or something very nearly the same problem.